Monday, January 16, 2012

16 day Progress of a Pink Girl in love with chocolate and ice cream

So 16 Days into the new year! I hope everyone is slowly working towards their goals. Please contact me with any advice and best practices! @Pinky_w_a_Brain (via Twitter) or feel free to email me :) 

I have found that it is hard to go head first into these challenges that I have set forth for myself. Also I will start to talk about new happenings in my life that I find to be helpful... I just started officially seeing my best friend from grade school... everyone saw us getting together but me apparently!! I am enjoying spending time with him and I think I am very motivated to do my best for me and for when I am with him. He thinks I am great just the way I am (we have been BFFs since we were 8 years old, playing basketball and stuff) but I think there is something about having an extra attraction that keeps you motivated to stay on track! 

Advice: I just received great advice to work on my chocoholicisms so I am going to avoid those things so I don't crave them as much! I have also read that facing cravings through out the day will enable better control. I have placed a Hershey bar with my goal weight on my desk and I have found it to be helpful at the end of the day. I realize that if I was able to avoid it all day, I don't need it when I go home. In all honesty some days it works and others I have a hard time with avoiding it.... If you have anything that you do that helps you pleaseeeeeee let me know I am trying all types of randomness!

Brief Progress: 

Self Defense Classes: I tried martial arts for the first time in my life last week! I have found that as much as I want the knowledge to be able to defend myself I am not comfortable "free sparring" I think karate is an absolutely beautiful art however I think I need to try something where I am not beating the crap out of the nice new friends I just made... I am thinking kickboxing will be my next attempt!!

Weight: Officially lost 1.5 lbs (this is going to be a slow process, just have to keep it off and stay focused)

Running: I was able to do 6 miles in 63 minutes- this is a record for me, I felt like I was about to die after but in the long run, am going to try and do another long distance tomorrow. I was reaching for the 10k but I still need to work on my endurance. I ran the 5k in 30 min and 40 seconds- these times for me are very good- I can keep up a 11 minute mile much easier but I really want to be able to have an average speed of 9:30 and under--- any advice??

I am keeping track of my running on and on the Runkeeper app. I like that map my run has all these challenges and things where you can see the whole calendar of your progress. I am finding this very helpful!

Interesting blogs/ articles by Hannah from the Biggest Loser and the DailySpark

Hannah talks about how its crazy that a size 6 (28" waist) is considered plus size in the fashion world

The DailySpark has advice on how to fuel your body depending upon when you are exercising

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